
Top 5 U.S. Marijuana Tourism Destinations

By June 21, 2019 No Comments

Marijuana is a recreational drug, and it has been legalized in some states in the U.S. The move to legalize marijuana has brought forth marijuana tourism. In the past decade, there are more than eight states that have legalized the recreational use of marijuana including the District of Columbia. Some of the destinations that have proven to be leading tourism destination for marijuana enthusiasts are:


Las Vegas Nevada legalized the use of cannabis recently. Although the number of tourists visiting the state has not risen, has greatly benefited from the legalization of the cannabis products.



Oregon is one of the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Oregon is one of the leading states when it comes to U.S. cannabis tourism. In Portland, many cannabis tours are taking place. People are mainly visiting the dispensaries that are within the city. Visitors are also able to enjoy bike tours in Portland. They can also get to be a part of the Portland Hempstalk Festival which usually takes place on the Labor Day weekend. The festival has lots of fun activities, and there is live music. You will also get to enjoy some exquisite delicacies as well as the multiple uses of cannabis products.


In the state of Washington, medical marijuana has been legalized. It has been legal since 1998. However, in 2014, the recreational use of marijuana was now legalized within the state. When you visit Washington, you can visit the budding marijuana scenes thanks to the travel services and tour companies that are within the state. The Boro School is Seattle is one of the local destinations. Here, visitors can engage in pipe making. There is also an event that is always held in August, and it is known as the Seattle Hempfest. It is currently the largest gathering where marijuana enthusiasts converge together.


This is a tourist destination that has scenic beauty. After the legalization of marijuana within the state, the number of tourists visiting the state has risen. In Alaska, there are also many storefronts that deal with the sale of cannabis products.


When you visit Colorado, you will get to enjoy the fresh air as well as the beautiful sights that are within the state. The tourism sector within the state has grown exponentially after the legalization of cannabis products in 2014. Most visitors prefer taking a tour using the smoke-friendly vehicles that are usually present in Denver. They also get to visit the areas where hydroponic farming takes place.